1. geojsonio::canada_cities
    This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently
  2. geojsonio::states
    This is the same data set from the ggplot2 library
  3. geojsonio::us_cities
    This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently
  4. proceduralnames::common_words
    999 of the most common words in the English language
  5. proceduralnames::docker_adjectives
    Adjectives used in the procedural naming of Docker containers.
  6. proceduralnames::docker_names
    Surnames used in the procedural naming of Docker containers.
  7. proceduralnames::spanish_words
    820 of the most common words in the Spanish language
  8. rsi::alos_palsar_band_mapping
    ALOS PALSAR band mapping
  9. rsi::dem_band_mapping
    Landsat band mapping
  10. rsi::landsat_band_mapping
    Landsat band mapping
  11. rsi::sentinel1_band_mapping
    Sentinel-1 band mapping
  12. rsi::sentinel2_band_mapping
    Sentinel-2 band mapping
  13. spatialsample::boston_canopy
    Boston tree canopy and heat index data.
  14. unifir::available_assets
    Vector of assets unifir can download and import
  15. waywiser::guerry
    Guerry "Moral Statistics" (1830s)
  16. waywiser::ny_trees
    Number of trees and aboveground biomass for Forest Inventory and Analysis plots in New York State
  17. waywiser::worldclim_simulation
    Simulated data based on WorldClim Bioclimatic variables